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Fiery letters? So far, so good!

You will often want to write something of fire, but you did not know how to do it. Of course, there are many filters to create a flame, but not all they have.
So. Create a new document in grayscale (Grayscale) the white background. Write letters in black text. Combine layers by pressing "CTRL + E".Apply Filter "Crystallize" from the "Filter> Pixelate" with parameter 3 or 4. Then razmoyte image (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) with radius 1. Invert colors (CTRL + I). Turn the canvas by 90 ° counter-clockwise (Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 ° CCW). Creating tongues of flameyte filter "Wind" (Filter> Stylize> Wind) with parameters: Method - Wind, Direction - From the left. For realism, use the filter "Ripple" (Filter> Distort> Ripple) with a force of 50 and the middle (medium) size. Turn back the canvas (Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 ° CW).Again, use the "Ripple", but now with a force of 30. Cheers! The fire turned out. Only one he grayish. No problem, now razukrasim. Set Mode "Indexed Color" (Image> Mode> Indexed Color). Go to "Image> Mode> Color Table" in the drop-down list, select the "Black Body". And finally, select the RGB mode command "Image> Mode> RGB color". Well, like, like?

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"Warning! On most operation systems flock () is implemented at the process level. When using a multithreaded server API like ISAPI you cannot rely on flock () to protect files against other PHP scripts running in parallel threads of the same server instance!"


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