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So, you have to choose a supplier who has adequate technical capability for fast data transfer from the outside of your home or office computer.

All good - always a small and compact, and ideal web team should consist of 5 persons.

With time comes a time when the user ceases to be only a web user, and starts to not only take but give, to complement its network of information, expression, to communicate in forums, make acquaintances, to correspond by e-mail chatter on ICQ.

Most customer orders in the design studio creating the site, does not even represent what the format should be developed by the resource. Will this simple promotional site or a huge web portal?

Millennium, mankind has dreamed of the opportunity to see their future. To see how changed and transformed the surrounding objects, buildings, people ... There have been many attempts to do so. Successful or not - opinions on this matter strongly disagree.

Web design and related disciplines are still relatively young and are still under development. Often people ask the same question: "How to become a web designer?".

Working with databases
The first thing you need to create dynamic pages - a database that will store all the information. Would you like to be able to view the contents of database tables, do the sample, add or update data? All this can be done using the built-in functions in PHP ...
Lock files
"Warning! On most operation systems flock () is implemented at the process level. When using a multithreaded server API like ISAPI you cannot rely on flock () to protect files against other PHP scripts running in parallel threads of the same server instance!"
What is a session and what they need?
Sessions - a mechanism established for temporary storage and transfer of information between the scripts in one site ...


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