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Protects Content Site

If available on your website photo Murzik beloved cat, but you do not want anyone to copy or retain it on hard, then put this script into the body of the site: & nbsp;

<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript>
function click () (
if (event.button == 2) (
alert ( 'My cat, do not who do not give! =)');
document.onmousedown = click
/ / ->

However, Copyment can be, if the select all and press Ctrl + C (View-> Copy). Here's how you can disable:

; Function no_copy ()
alert ( "Still do not give!")
return false


</ HEAD>
<BODY ONCOPY="return no_copy()">


</ BODY>
</ HTML>

This can be realized by using such code:

<title> Murzik </ title>
&nbsp; <style> </ style>
</ head>
<body oncopy="return false" onselectstart="return false">
</ body>
</ html>

But if you're on the other side of the barricades. Someone has posted photos of their dogs Ding, but it you love that line has no money to watch =) and the urgent need to download it on hard, Hit the "show in the form of HTML" and then find the lineaddress of the image copy it to the bar of your browser and voila! Text're looking for there.

What is a session and what they need?
Sessions - a mechanism established for temporary storage and transfer of information between the scripts in one site ...
Paginal output
Introduction to PHP5
PHP5 is not officially released yet, but "working" version is already for work (as well as unstable!), So that we can begin to explore new opportunities for the next release of PHP and to practice with them. In this article we will talk about the three major innovations in PHP5


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